Our Friends are what make us great!

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Why i became a friend

I love our library! Picking a book off the shelf to see if it might be interesting to me… the hubbub of activity and community resources being put to good use. Most of all, I love the atmosphere. We’re all equals here.

It made sense to me to become a Friend so that I can give back a little bit to a place that gives so much to so many.

— Rebeccah Bufford, Friend



Become a friend!
from $10.00

Renew your membership or join for the very first time!

Annual $10 - for individuals or families
Lifetime $100 - for individuals or families

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New Member Benefits just added by the Friends of the Ledding Library:
For a new or renewed annual membership of $10, come to the Ledding Library’s Community Room at 9:30 AM on a Quarterly Sale Day and you will be let in one half-hour early to browse and buy our Sale items.

Our Lifetime Members (with a membership payment of $100) will:

  1. Gain early entry into the Friends’ Quarterly Sales

  2. Get a free Sling Bag from the Library Book Store

  3. Be given a complimentary $10 gift certificate than can be used at all Friends’ fundraising events.